William's Space
Random thoughts and experimentation.
Recent posts
How to Implement SafetyNet Attestation in Your Application
This post is just a collection of information about how to implement SafetyNet Attestation API in your application.
A deep dive into children in Vue
I got myself inspired by Max Stoiber in his A deep dive into children in React to create this post about Vue children. So, credits on the...
The Lost Callback
In the past few days I was investigating a really tricky issue in one of our React components. I decided to cover it here because I've...
What I Learned by Early Adopting Docker
The year is 2015, I started working as software engineer in this new team that was focused on delivering new experiences with top notch...
Creating a Monitoring Stack With Docker Swarm, Grafana, InfluxDB and Telegraf
Monitoring your infrastructure is one of the most important aspects of successfully launching a product. It's really important to know when...